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  留学生陪读签证,又叫Student Dependent Visa,一样是学生签证的一种,留学生的配偶可以在澳洲工作,照顾读书的一方,所以非常的实用。对于一些家庭经济不太宽裕的学生来说,一方工作一方读书,可以极大的减轻财务压力,甚至可以赚到所需的生活费和部分学费。



  澳洲移民局认可的配偶关系主要有两种,一种是正式结婚且领有官方结婚证的申请人(可以是在澳洲或者海外登记结婚的),另外一种是同居超过12个月以上,证据充足的正式的事实婚姻配偶,所谓De facto。很境内的陪读人都是同居的,同居关系的移民局需要提供的证据很多,包括居住、经济、社会和双方之间承诺的关键证据。



  94.2 Subsequent dependant application


  Schedule 2 secondary criteria (572.326(b) and 572.330) require:

  the student to provide evidence of adequate means to support themselves and their family unit members and

  evidence of sufficient funds for travel costs.

  Under policy, applicants who meet Schedule 5B provisions under 572.332 are also considered to meet 57x.326(b) and 57x.330. If the student did not declare their family members in their student visa application (for example, the student entered Australia on a 560 visa, or the person became a family unit member after the student obtained their student visa), officers may, when assessing whether the family member satisfies this Schedule 2 secondary criterion, be guided by Schedule 5B provisions regarding calculations of living costs and school fees.


  The Minister is satisfied that:

  (a) the applicant is a genuine applicant for entry and stay as a member of the family unit of the primary person mentioned in clause 572.322

  ; and

  (b) that primary person has adequate means to support himself or herself and the members of his or her family unit during the period of the applicant’s intended stay in Australia; and

  (c) on the basis of the applicant’s stated intention, the applicant intends to comply with any conditions subject to which the visa is granted;


  (d) if the applicant is required to give evidence in accordance with Schedule 5B — while the applicant holds the visa, the applicant or the primary person will have access to the funds demonstrated or declared in accordance with the requirements in that Schedule


  The applicant gives evidence that there are sufficient funds to meet the travel costs for the applicant:

  (a) if the applicant is not in Australia — to Australia, and from Australia; or

  (b) if the applicant is in Australia — from Australia.