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最新澳洲移民技术职业清单 计算机重新上榜

  澳大利亚移民部周三宣布,按照每年调整移民技术职业清单(SOL)的惯例,从2012年7月1日起,将增加四项新的技术移民职业,同时删掉四项不能再反映本地劳动力市场需求的技术移民职业。如有任何问题,请直接拨打电话400 811 8484或010-58698484转澳洲留学移民专家咨询

  技术职业清单可以决定独立技术移民和家庭担保技术移民的提名职业。此次变更,主要基于独立机构Skills Australia专家的建议,反映了政府采用技术移民方案为澳大利亚输送最紧缺人才的宗旨。清单将继续以高质量技能为主导,体现澳大利亚未来的技能需求。



  133513 Production Manager (Mining)

  234912 Metallurgist

  251411 Optometrist

  263111 Computer Network and Systems Engineer


  234211 Chemist

  252711 Audiologist

  331111 Bricklayer

  333411 Wall and Floor Tiler

  Annual Update of Skilled Occupation List -1 July 2012

  The Skilled Occupation List (SOL)

  The Skilled Occupation List (SOL) will change from 1 July 2012, with four occupations to be added to the list and four occupations to be removed. The SOL determines which occupations are eligible for independent and family sponsored skilled migration.

  The updated SOL is based on expert advice from the independent body, Skills Australia. The list of occupations reflects the Australian Governmentˇs commitment to a skilled migration program that delivers skills in need in Australia. The SOL will continue to deliver a skilled migration program tightly focused on high value skills that will assist in addressing Australiaˇs future skills needs.

  Visa applications that will be affected by the updated SOL

  The updated SOL will apply to all new independent (unsponsored) and family sponsored skilled migration applications lodged on or after 1 July 2012 unless they are from applicants eligible for transitional arrangements.仪 Applications lodged before 1 July 2012 with a nominated occupation that is no longer on the SOL in effect from 1 July 2012 will continue to be processed. Priority processing arrangements may however change for certain applicants according to the Ministerial Direction on priority processing.

  Summary of changes to the SOL

  The following changes have been applied to the SOL.





