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  澳大利亚国立大学艺术与社会科学学院助理经理Ms Vanessa Gotting和博士生兼政治科学科目讲师Ms Angela Lehmann将于11月6日下午4-5点 到访留学e网(华智国际教育),进行学生招生面试,并回答同学的咨询,特别是在艺术和社会科学院进行研究生学习的问题。



  澳大利亚国立大学是世界研究型大学联盟(International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU))中唯一一所澳洲大学,各高校享有共同的价值观和全球视角,秉承培养领导者的教学信念。世界研究型大学联盟由10所世界领先的研究密集型大学组成,这10所大学分别是:澳大利亚国立大学(ANU),新加坡国家大学(National University of Singapore),伯克利加利福尼亚大学(University of California, Berkeley),丹麦哥本哈根大学(University of Copenhagen),东京大学(University of Tokyo),苏黎世理工学院(ETH Zürich),北京大学(Peking University),剑桥大学(University of Cambridge),牛津大学(University of Oxford),耶鲁大学(Yale University)。


  2008,2007,2006连续三年在泰晤士高等教育增刊 (Times Higher Education Supplement) 推出的世界大学排名中位居澳大利亚榜首。其艺术和人文、社会科学领域在澳大利亚排名第一。


  2007年在墨尔本学院世界级澳大利亚大学指数 (Melbourne Institute Index of the International Standing of Australian Universities) 中位居第一。



  2007年将凯瑞克学院 (Carrick Institute)评出的10项优秀教学奖全部纳入囊中。凯瑞克学院是2004年由联邦政府成立旨在促进和奖励优秀教育的机构。



  · 广告       · 文物修复   · 文物管理

  · 社区艺术组织   · 排字     · 犯罪

  · 外交      · 环境咨询   · 影视制作

  · 画廊和博物馆管理 · 政府     · 遗产咨询

  · 艺术家     · 国家开发     · 新闻

  · 市场营销   · 多媒体和动漫 · 音乐发行

  · 器乐    · 政治  · 产品设计

  · 公共关系      · 出版     · 大学


  澳大利亚国立大学拥有一支紧密团结,充满生机的师资队伍,具有来自世界90多个国家的13000名学生和3600名教职工。Parkland校区是主校区,该校区从布莱克山(Black Mountain),格里芬胡(Lake Burley Griffin)一直延伸到堪培拉市中心,大部分学生都在该校区上课。










  ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences


  Ms Vanessa Gotting, Deputy Manager ANU College of Arts and Sciences and Ms Angela Lehmann, Lecturer in Political Science and current PhD student will be available at the office of China Education International from 4 pm to 5pm on November 6 to meet with prospective future students and answer enquiries particularly in regards to Graduate study in the College of Arts and Social Sciences, ANU.

  What can Arts at ANU offer?

  Research leadership

  The Australian National University is Australia’s premier research and teaching institution, consistently ranked first of all tertiary institutions in Australia. It is distinctive among Australian universities in its research intensity and the relatively small scale of its undergraduate enrolments. It is strategically located in the nation’s capital and has as its special mission contributing to nation building and to advancing Australia’s place in the world.

  International focus

  The ANU is the only Australian university to be a member of the International Alliance of Research Universities (IARU) - a select group of ten of the worlds leading research intensive universities, who share similar values, a global vision and a commitment to educating future leaders. Members of the IARU: ANU; National University of Singapore; University of California, Berkeley; University of Copenhagen; University of Tokyo; ETH Zürich; Peking University; University of Cambridge; University of Oxford; Yale University.

  International ranking

  In The Times Higher Education Supplement ANU was the highest ranked Australian university in 2008, 2007 and 2006, ranked 16th in the world. ANU was also ranked the top Australian university for arts and humanities and for social sciences.

  In the Institute of Higher Education rankings by Shanghai Jiao Tong University, ANU has been ranked number one Australian university every year since 2004, and has remained the third top university in the Asia-Pacific Region.

  ANU was ranked first in the Melbourne Institute Index of the International Standing of Australian Universities in 2007.

  In Newsweek International’s list of the Top 100 Global Universities, ANU was ranked 38th (August 2006), the highest ranking of any Australian university.

  Teaching excellence

  The ANU received 10 out of 10 for teaching excellence by the Carrick Institute in 2007. The Carrick Institute was set up by the Federal Government in 2004 to promote and reward excellence in tertiary education.

  Career opportunities

  The career opportunities for Arts graduates are exceptionally varied; from journalism to museum curatorship, publishing to politics, information technology to international development, advertising to art conservation – and much more.

  Arts graduates work in:

*Advertising *Art conservation
*Arts administration *Community arts organisations
*Composing *Criminology
*Diplomacy *Environmental consultancy
*Film production *Gallery and museum curatorship
*Government *Heritage consultancy    
*Independent artist *International development
*Journalism *Marketing and communications
*Multimedia and animation *Music publishing
*Orchestras *Politics
*Product design and publishing *Public relations
*Publishing *Universities

  For further information visit the ANU Careers Centre site.


  Student life

  The ANU has a compact, vibrant community of over 13,000 students and 3,600 staff representing over 90 countries. A high proportion of our students live on a 145 hectare parkland campus, stretching between the foot of Black Mountain, Lake Burley Griffin and Canberra’s city centre.

  The ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences draws together more than 20 teaching and research disciplines in the very broad field of arts, humanities and social sciences. With its spirit of experimentation and discovery and its commitment to instilling a love of life-long learning in its graduates, the College creates articulate citizens who contribute to Australia (as part of the Asia-Pacific) social and cultural capital.

  Graduate Programs

  The ANU College of Arts and Social Sciences provides both graduate research and graduate coursework degrees.

  Graduate Coursework

  Graduate coursework generally results in the awarding of a Masters degree, a Graduate Diploma, or a Graduate Certificate. Each of these awards requires different standards and quantities of work. The major component of coursework programs is attendance at lectures and tutorials, and submitting assessment items, such as essays and assignments.

  For more information visit:

  Graduate Research

  Admission to a research degree normally requires a Honours degree (at Honours 2A or above), or equivalent prior studies (such as a Graduate Diploma or a Master degree) that includes some research work.

  A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) normally takes between two and four years full-time to complete a thesis of 100,000 words. The thesis must make a substantial contribution to learning and demonstrate a capacity to relate the research done by the candidate to the broader framework of the discipline or disciplines within which it falls. In some programs, PhD candidates are required to complete coursework as well as the thesis. A Master of Philosophy (MPhil) takes from one to two years full-time, or two to four consecutive academic years part-time.

  For more information visit: