英属哥伦比亚大学是不列颠哥伦比亚省最早的大学,起初为研究性合作机构,后来逐渐发展为综合性大学,在不到100年的时间里,成为蜚声全球的研究中心和高等教育中心。该校不仅是北美名牌大学之一,在国际上也享有盛誉。根据闻名世界的教育指南Gourman Report指出,UBC和美国最好的大学麻省理工学院、史丹佛大学和柏克莱大学等并列,是环球研究及学术中心。UBC以现代化高科技设施及尖端学术研究闻名于世。(查看排名)
1) When did you make the decision of studying journalism, before you started working or after? Why do you like journalism? What make it good?
2) What are the sources that you get your stories?
3) Can you watch the stories you do?
4) Describe to me the most important story you think you have done?
5) How did you first know about UBC?
6) Do you have some basic knowledge of Canada? When was the last election?
7) Have you been prepared financially? (I missed the deadline to apply for scholarship).
8) Do you have any questions for us?