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留学加拿大中学 温哥华公立教育局

  温哥华教育局是整个加拿大西部最大的校区之一。辖下有19所中学、90所小学、6个成人教育中心。温哥华的学校具有100多年的光辉历史。 从卑诗省考试成绩排名中及大学奖学金获取率来看,温哥华学校排名第一。所有学校设备优良、学习气氛浓厚,提供现代化的电脑、美术设施和优良的学术课程。温哥华教育局提供的国际教育课程在1985年建立起来,多种课程设置,如中小学课程、国际认可制大学水平课程(International Baccalaureate)、全年开办之短期进修课程、暑期英语及文化学习班、ESL 语言指导课程。




  1. 全年课程:修读优质的学术课程,直至卑诗省中学毕业八至十二年级(十三岁或以上)。




  2. 暑期课程:每年七、八月开的暑期课程,适合本地及国际学生就读。课程內容十分丰富,有英語、娱乐活动、艺术、烹饪、体育和戏剧。

  3. 国际认可制大学水平课程(IB)。

  4. ESL 语言指导课程。









  全年制课程报名截止为5月31日, 暑期班为6月中。












  1. University Hill Secondary School

  2896 Acadia Road

  University Hill Secondary is situated in a naturally beautiful setting on the University of British Columbia campus. It is a small school which offers academic courses with outdoor learning and recreation activities. University Hill students have had a record of outstanding scholastic achievement. The student population is 530; many fine arts, drafting, computer and language electives are offered.

  2. Lord Byng Secondary School

  3939 West 16th Avenue

  Lord Byng is a comprehensive school with a population of 1240 students, located in a residential area near the University of British Columbia. It offers a full academic program and a district arts program which includes courses in theatre, strings, orchestra and the visual arts. Byng offers advanced placement and enriched courses in English, calculus, math, art, physics, French and Spanish.

  3. Kitsilano Secondary School

  2550 West 10th Avenue

  Located in the residential Kitsilano neighborhood, Kitsilano Secondary enrolls 1580 students. It offers strong academic and athletic programs as well as a friendly, cooperative atmosphere. Kitsilano has a very successful French Immersion program and several advanced placement and enriched courses. The school is located next to a community centre skating arena, fitness centre and large sports grounds.

  4. Prince of Wales Secondary School

  2250 Eddington Drive

  Prince of Wales Secondary School enrolls 1320 students. Prince of Wales has a strong academic program. Students are encouraged to participate in a range of courses and activities to provide them with a well-rounded education. Elective course areas include business education, psychology, geography, clothing and textiles, band, jazz, music composition and graphic design.

  5. Point Grey Secondary School

  5350 East Boulevard

  Point Grey Secondary School, located in the Kerrisdale area, is housed in a distinctive building bordered by a fine track and field facility, tennis courts and an ice arena. With approximately 1290 students, it offers numerous opportunities for student involvement and leadership through club activities and sports teams. Point Grey has a proud tradition of excellence in the three A's - Arts, Athletics, and Academics. Modern language programs include French, Japanese and Spanish. Point Grey also has calculus, visual arts and design, drama, stagecraft, choir and band.

  6. Magee Secondary School

  6360 Maple Street

  Situated in a southwest residential community, Magee is an academic comprehensive school. Many students participate in Magee's acclaimed music and choir programs, and the Performing Athletic and Arts Program (SPARTS). Advanced Placement courses are offered in chemistry, biology, calculus, physics and computer studies. A high percentage of graduating students continue to study at the post-secondary level.

  7. King George Secondary School

  1755 Barclay Street

  King George is a small school near Stanley Park in downtown Vancouver that currently enrols about 490 students. Its small size is one of its biggest assets. While the population is diverse, students are accepting of each other and there is a strong sense of community where students feel safe. King George offers an academic program. Students may also choose electives in fine arts, business, technology, home economics, and physical education. Second language courses are offered in French and Spanish.

  8. Eric Hamber Secondary School

  5025 Willow Street

  Eric Hamber is located in the Oakridge area between Van Dusen Gardens and Queen Elizabeth Park. Eric Hamber is a comprehensive secondary school with approximately 1620 students. It offers an excellent academic program and elective study areas including art, band, strings, choir and drama. Student accomplishments are also significant. Each year, approximately 60% of the Eric Hamber Grade 12 class graduates with honours standing. Many elective courses are offered in business education, computers, fashion design, physical education and languages.

  9. Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School

  7055 Heather Street

  Churchill is a comprehensive school located in the Oakridge area with approximately 2100 students. It offers a rich and varied program that includes traditional academic courses as well as many special programs such as French Immersion, peer tutoring, and a "buddy program" for junior students - new to the large high school environment. In recent years, three Churchill teachers received Prime Minister Awards for Teaching Excellence. Many students each year are recognized for their academic achievements.

  10. Sir Charles Tupper Secondary School

  419 East 24th Avenue

  Tupper is centrally located in the city. The campus has a track, playing fields, tennis courts, and extensive landscaping. It is a community of students drawn from around the world, characterized by friendly, accepting staff. Tupper is a comprehensive school of 930 students. To challenge the academic students, Advanced Placement (AP) is offered in computer studies, calculus, physics, chemistry, history, and literature; enriched courses are also offered. Second language courses are available in French and Spanish. Other electives include home economics, technology, business, art, drama and choir.

  11. John Oliver Secondary School

  530 East 41st Avenue

  John Oliver is a friendly, central residential area high school. The diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds of 1150 students form the foundation for the school's work in developing world citizens. A comprehensive educational program includes enriched, honours and Advanced Placement courses with opportunities in academics, arts, athletics, and practical skills. Elective courses include: drafting and design, web page design, marketing, electronics, law, art, choir, drama, band and languages.

  12. South Hill School

  6010 Fraser Street

  South Hill offers academic high school courses for students who are 18 years of age or over. It enrolls over 4000 students in full or part-time studies, in a quarter (9 week term) system. As at college or university, students may plan an educational program that meets their scheduling needs. A complete program of academic courses and electives is offered. The school also has a drop-in centre that provides specialized computer programs and tutoring support for those who want extra help.

  13. Britannia Secondary School

  1001 Cotton Drive

  Britannia Secondary School is centrally located in Vancouver's most vibrant and ethnically diverse area. It is a true community school sharing an 18-acre complex that gives students access to excellent recreational facilities, including a swimming pool, ice rink, racquet ball courts, fitness centre and four gymnasiums. Britannia has approximately 800 students and offers the International Baccalaureate Program, recognized worldwide by universities. Elective course offerings include: French, Mandarin, law, fine arts, band and drama.

  14. Templeton Secondary School

  727 Templeton Drive

  Templeton Secondary School is a centre of learning excellence in Vancouver's northeast residential area. It currently has a student population of about 1250. Templeton offers a fully comprehensive educational program. Students interested in video and TV production, drama, or film studies study using this school's excellent instructors, facilities and equipment. Students may also study advanced placement courses in English, calculus and physics. There is a wide choice of sports clubs, and visual and performing arts activities.

  15. Vancouver Technical Secondary School

  2600 East Broadway

  Recognized by the Canadian Education Association in 1995 as one of the twenty-one "exemplary" secondary schools in Canada, Vancouver Technical is a comprehensive secondary school enrolling 1650 students. It offers a diverse academic program which includes Advanced Placement courses in English, French, calculus, chemistry, and physics; electives in business education, fine arts, home economics (including the only Hairdressing Apprenticeship program in the district), physical education, and technology education; and second language instruction in English, French, Mandarin, and Spanish. Extra-curricular opportunities for students abound in art, athletics, performing arts, and community service.

  16. Gladstone Secondary School

  4105 Gladstone Street

  Gladstone Secondary School is a diverse multicultural high school, with approximately 1440 students and 140 staff members. Special emphasis at Gladstone is given to acquiring skills in English, and other successful programs include dance, choral music, journalism and design. Students interested in dance can choose from many outstanding program choices, including jazz, tap, traditional and modern. Other electives are in fashion design, electronics, robotics and photography. In the past three years, half of Gladstone's graduating students earned honours standing on provincial exams.

  17. Windermere Secondary School

  3155 East 27th Avenue

  Windermere Secondary School provides education programs for 1260 students. The school provides honours, enriched, and Advanced Placement courses for highly motivated students. Elective courses are offered in art, drama, music, business education, information technology, foods, clothing, woodwork, electronics, drafting, and mechanics. Second language instruction is offered in French, Mandarin, and Spanish. Windermere students participate in its excellent physical education program and strong sports clubs. Many graduates have been recognized not only for academic achievements, but also for their contributions to the school and community.

  18. Killarney Secondary School

  6454 Killarney Street

  Killarney Secondary is a dynamic, comprehensive school with approximately 2000 students. It features a strong academic program with diverse elective courses: electronic keyboard, music composition, business education, entrepreneurship, jewellery making, clothing and textiles, food studies and information technology. Killarney has the city's largest and most varied fine arts program, featuring an award-winning music program in band, orchestra, choral, strings, and music composition. The school offers elective courses in art, graphic design and drama.

  19. David Thompson Secondary School

  1755 East 55th Avenue

  David Thompson is a comprehensive multicultural school of 1800 students. Staff and students enjoy its beautifully landscaped grounds in south Vancouver. Thompson emphasizes strong academics, student leadership and service to others. Course electives include: robotics, engineering, drafting and design, fine arts, choir, languages, marketing, business education, and several enriched courses to challenge academic students. Three science teachers have also received the Prime Minister's Award of Excellence in Teaching.





