这里的环境非常安静,妈妈们在这可以专心给孩子们喂奶, 同时各项设施都非常的齐全,如:配有微波炉方便热牛奶、设有垃圾桶以方便环保;除此之外,这里还设有舒适的座椅,以及冷热水的供应也非常的方便。
Parenting Room
ECU has a new Parenting Room in the Library Building ,Joondalup Campus.
The Parenting Room is available to female and male members of the University community and provides a dignified, private and appropriate space that supports the needs of parents and breastfeeding mothers.
The room provides a quiet place to breastfeed, bottle feed or express milk, comfortable seating, a baby change table, a microwave, waste disposal, hot and cold water.