Ariane Welch表示,人们对一名学习共产主义诗歌的学生可以获得比尔盖茨奖学金都感到非常惊讶。今年,悉尼大学英语系共有3名博士生将要前往剑桥大学学习,而她就是其中之一。
Ariane Welch主要研究共产主义诗人的作品,例如:Louis Zukofsky(纽约犹太人,隶属于左翼先锋诗人组织)。
A Bill Gates scholarship will allow a University of Sydney student to complete a PhD at Cambridge University in communist poetry.
The scholarship is one of only 50 awarded annually by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation to non-US citizens for study at Cambridge.
"I guess you could say that I was pretty surprised that Bill Gates wanted to sponsor a PhD in Communist Poetry," says Ariane Welch, one of three PhD students from the University's English department heading off to Cambridge this year.
Welch is studying poets such as Louis Zukofsky, a New York Jew who belonged to a group of left-leaning avant-garde poets.