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This should say adult or general student


  • name (as shown on your passport if applicable)
  • nationality
  • passport or travel document number (optional)

Approved education provider
(also known a sponsor)

  • licence number
  • address (if different from the letterhead)
  • contact details (if different from the letterhead)
  • the name & address of partner institution you are studying at another institution as part of this course
  • the name & address of any overseas higher education institution if the time you spend in the United Kingdom studying is part of an overseas higher education course


  • title
  • the academic level of course or qualification you will get when finished (the National Qualifications Framework level or the type of qualification, for example, a bachelor's degree in chemical engineering)
  • start date (the date you start your main studies, or the date you start an induction or course to prepare you for study if you have an unconditional offer to do your main course)
  • expected end date
  • latest date you can join the course (optional)
  • hours per week (optional if studying a full-time degree course that leads to a United Kingdom recognised bachelor or postgraduate degree)
  • address of your main place of study if different to the approved education provider's main address
  • address of the organisation offering you a work placement, if known and applicable

Money (also known as maintenance)

  • course fees for the first year, or the length of the course
  • course fees paid so far (if applicable)
  • accommodation fees paid so far (if applicable)

Documents used to get the visa letter

List of evidence your approved education provider used to assess your academic ability to finish your course which may include:

  • level or type of qualification (if applicable)
  • qualification awarding body and/or institution (if applicable)
  • confirmation that an Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) clearance certificate is needed (if applicable)

英国边境管理局对欺骗和造假行为严惩不贷,如果发现申请者使用了虚假材料,撒谎或对相关信息有所保留的情况,英国边境管理局将拒绝他们的申请, 并可能禁止其在10年内前往英国。


留学e网 出国留学放心的网




