e 网专家呕心之作:十八个topic写作提纲。每个topic都进行详细讲解,让你一目了然。相信学习完这十八个主题的写作提纲,你对于雅思写作肯定会跳出原有的圈子,而是站在一个更高的角度去写作。
1. 共同生活在一个地球上,应该保护动物,maltreatment to animals is barbaric and uncivilized practice. 但是说动物濒临灭绝是exaggerated,禁止动物实验更是irrational
2. Select the superior and eliminate the inferior, the survival of the fittest 是一个natural rule can not be violated,有些specifies缺乏生存技能,就应该被淘汰,如果人们的过渡干预反而会造成坏的作用对ecological system.当然,如果是因为人类破坏了其habitat而导致的endanger,另当别论。
3. 动物实验是indispensable for medical research, all of which 是为人类造福,没有人不希望在全球范围内消灭AIDS,而这一切需要大量的生物实验来完成。而且目前还没有有效的alternative methods,计算机还不足以仿真整个生物实验,或许以后有替代方法了,就可以取消动物实验。目前能做的只能是减小痛苦,relieve pain.
4. 有人说吃动物的肉很残忍,让大家都做vegetarian, 在我看来很可笑,动物有生命,植物就没有生命了这么说人类就该饿死starve to death 。因此,只要不是虐待动物,将他们作为食物和衣服 is not blameworthy.
5. 因此我不赞成…
十三、青少年犯罪与Drug abuse
1. 原因:
(1)电视中的暴力与色ZE: 12pt">2)家庭原因:Increasing divorce rate, Brought up in a sole-parent family, 缺少父母的关爱,psychological problem, feel disoriented.
(3)学校原因:schools and society should be responsible在学校学习压力大,就业压力大
(4)自身原因:不成熟,sequacious,lack of self-control an self-discipline, can not resist the temptation of drugs and fall victims to drug dealers.
2. 解决方法:
(1)政府应该strict censorship should be imposed on 媒体中的不健康内容
(3)政府和学校应该多教育,不能只顾academic performance
1. Drawbacks:
(1)学生还不够成熟,他们往往从自身的经验和利益出发来评价老师,因此unable to evaluate teachers’ performance in a sound way。可能会出现要求
(2)学生评价老师也会对老师产生不好的影响,老师为了cater for the needs of children and get a high evaluation, 从而放松对学生的要求,而且对教学内容和教学效果也会有影响
2. Advantages:
(1)对学生来说,评价老师有利于培养学生think independently. 应该鼓励学生challenge 老师,这样他们不但学: 12pt">innovative思维,敢
(2)对老师来说,获得feedback 也是提高自己教学能力和教学效果的有效途径,也有利
1. 承认明星给人们带来pleasures,他们提供的娱乐使人们在工作之余放松,有一个健康的lifestyle.但是they are definitely overpaid.
2. Wealth should be allocated according to the contribution to the society. 与明星相比,很多ordinary people在医学,教育和科研领域工作的人,对社会的贡献更大,但是他们的薪水要低很多。获得Nobel prize的科学家甚至都没有明星拿的多,这是inequitable。
3. 虽然从事体育娱乐的明星也需要有skills and talents,但是其他’ordinary’ professions也require special skills,而且很多职业years of education and special training.这样的收入不公使得人们are doubtful of接受教育的作用,这对培养下一代是很不利的,他们可能会give up school study and pursue to get money much easier like the sports star.
4. Things should be done to make salaries fairer. Government should impose heavy taxes upon 明星 who earn excessively high salaries, greater amount of money should be given to 贡献更大的公民who deserver the earning .
1. 安装监视器的优点:
利用监视器可以帮助警察catch criminals, thus reducing crime. a camera is more effective than security guards. 警察和保安不可能全天24小时工作,而camera will not feel tired.而且它更objective, sometimes our eyes might deceive us, while a machine can exactly record what happens, it can prevent much unnecessary embarrassment. Frighten off the criminals and reduce potential crime.
2. 缺点:
Critiques about installation of surveillance typically look at the infringement of people’s privacy.
Being photographed and recorded by the camera,很多人feel uncomfortable and no privacy.特别是女性,有些人可能会将camera获得的资料用于illegal use.
3. 尽管有缺点,但是为了public safety , 监视器是有必要的。但是应该尽可能balance the need for security with respect for individual’s privacy and freedom.
3. can not generalize about children or adults being better learners. It depends on the situation and motivation of a individual and the level of enthusiasm he or she has for learning.
1. 有人认为gifted children think different from common children,他们应该分别进行教育.If all children are grouped together regardless of intellectual ability, teacher will be caught in dilemma that 将会出现,聪明学生觉得too slow not satisfy ,feel boring to the course, 而有一些学生can not catch up with the progress, 也会感到frustrated.
2. 但是我认为,是非常不合理的:
(1)无法确定哪个孩子智力高,用IQ test 以及考试成绩来判定is stupid.
(2)to separate children according to their individual competence can hurt their feelings, which goes against their personality development.学习成绩好的学生are instilled(逐渐灌输) with a sense of superiority while 成绩不好的学生感觉很失败。
3. 如果将学生放在一起教育的话,这种氛围更有利与孩子的成长,鼓励好的帮助差的,差的学习好的。至于老师上课内容的把握,适合大部分学生就行。