科学家惊奇的发现,两种文明可以在同一时间产生。在埃及文化产生时,美索不达米亚文化也同时应运而生。埃及土地肥沃,造成它的独立所致。美索不达米亚两河流域,地理环境特殊,四周沙漠什么的,老被侵略,所以都是一个城邦一个城邦的,美索不达米亚文化不像埃及文化一样,美索不达米亚文化没有留下很多遗产。当初美索不达米亚的居民生活安逸,所以一直没有人提出统一的想法,很久以后才有,可是由于大量的花费在战争上,很快就覆灭了。由于当时的环境条件,那里的人们都用泥土/木头盖房子,所以和埃及不一样,现在没找到什么当初留下的建筑物。但是挖出了许多陶器石板,上面刻着文字,考古学家只能从挖掘出来的文物中研究其历史。后来讲苏美尔人在两河地区建立的文明的特点,特别是他们城邦的宗教神祗制度,影响了他们的经济制度(献纳)。大题目是分类题,比较埃及文明和苏美尔文明 。
1. astonishing = amazing
2. sentence simplification =
A great civilization arose in Mesopotamia between 3,500 and 3,000 B.C. at the same time that ancient
3. its substance refers to -
the political history of ancient
4. obscure = unclear
5. 原文提到the ancient Sumerians did not "share the Egyptian's concern with the hereafter 〃之reason原因=
to provide one explanation for the relatively few physical remains of ancient Sumerian society
6. the "city of Ur"位置= near the confluence of Tigris and Euphrates rivers.
7. vast = very large
8. EXCEPT问题=
continuity of cultural and artistic traditions could not be achieved.
9.不是宗教事 简单的证据=
the idea of divine ownership served as the basis for the economic organization of Sumerian society.
10. considerable= substantial
11. EXCEPT问题=
The local god sometimes fought against the local gods of rival city-stated.
12. insertion问题=第 4个方块
13. 分类问题=
Ancient Egyptian Civilization
Sumerian Civilization
1. c
2. c
3. a
4. a
5. a
6. d
7. b
8. c
9. d
10. a
11. d
12. d
13. a, f
/ c, d, g(编辑:雨巷)