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  托福口语机经 Task 1

  Describe a person whom you’d like to talk with often (this person could be one of your close friends,family members or teachers). Explain why you’d like to talk with this person and what you talk about? [2007.6.24/2008.10.12]

  托福口语机经Task 2

  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Participating in class discussions makes students learn more. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. [2007.6.24/2008.10.12]

  托福口语机经Task 3

  【公开信】:学校规定大一新生first year students不能在校内用车keep their cars on campus。一个学生给校报信说学校应允许大一新生在校内用车。理由1、大一学生到校外find part-time jobs要用车,没车找工作不方便。理由2、大一学生想家get homesick的时候,周末要开车drive回很远的家探亲。没车回家不方便。

  【学生议论】:女生反对此提议。理由1、大一新生课业负担重have a lot of school work to to do,没有额外时间do part-time jobs。如果开车就容易找到工作,if they do part-time jobs,they might not do well in school。理由2、如果大一新生一想家get homesick,they might go home every weekend,他们就没有足够时间与新同学相处,很难适应大学生活learn how to tosocialize with other people。[2007.6.24/2008.10.12]

  托福口语机经Task 4

  【课文要点】:sensory memory感官记忆。人类主要通过sights, smell, hear等多种感官感受外界stimulation。即便外界stimulus消失了,stimulation仍然会在脑海中形成short time memory,保持几秒。

  【教授举例】:教授讲一个实验来证实这个原理,给一群人看在屏幕上闪现的一组字母flashing letters on the screen,看几秒。然后拿走。要他们回忆recall并说出看到的字母。有些人说出了大部分字母,因为sensory memory帮助人们记住那些字母images。[2007.6.24/2008.10.12]

  托福口语机经Task 5

  【学生困难】:女生要组织一场舞会organize a school dance,请了个著名乐队band在舞会上演出。但该乐队因当晚有另一场演出show,他们忙不过来they can't play for the dance show,取消canceled了这次演出。

  【解决方案】:女生自己说出两个方案:1、请另外一个乐队来表演find another band。但女生说其它乐队没这个乐队受欢迎enjoy。怕观众可能会不喜欢。2、还是请这个乐队,但延期举办舞会reschedule the dance to next week。但如推迟一周的话,就临近期末考试final exam了。到那时,学生已在忙着准备期末考试了,同学可能没时间来参加舞会了。[2007.6.24/2008.10.12]

  托福口语机经Task 6

  【讲课要点】:教授讲商品product要有utility [ju?tiliti],顾客才会购买。two types utilities:1、utility of form形态效用:意思是产品要满足人们的特殊需求have features customers need,人们才会买。例:人们要买防寒服winter coats made of fabric material and feather是因为冬天要保暖keep worm、防雨be waterproof。2、utility of place地点效用:意思是要在正确的地点销售产品the product should be at the place where customers need it。例:防寒服winter coats,如果在Alaska where is very cold一定好卖,因为那里的人非常需要防寒服。如果在热带岛屿tropic island就没人买,那里的人根本用不着防寒服。


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