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  我最喜欢的一本书: 我的英文字典――《牛津高阶英汉双解词典》




  家长不懂英语 孩子怎样学习――谈谈引导张博学习英语的几点体会

















  Making Friends With English

  By Rhonda M. Day

  B.S. In Secondary Education MA in TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language)

  To speak English with confidence—that is the wish or desire of thousands and thousands of Chinese. To feel English flowing off the tongue as naturally as water flows over and under, down and around rocks. Oh, what a dream. However, very few Chinese realize this dream or even think that it is possible. Many, after trying, accept its impossibility while others just simply don’t even try—they think that it is no use. At the same time, there are millions of English speakers around the world who have done it. Zhang Bo is one of them.

  How did he do it? For him, the key is pronunciation.

  This is how any child in America or Canada would approach English. This child is not afraid of new words, but learns how to say a new word and how to use the word. There is no fear, only curiosity and the desire to use the new word as one would use a beautiful new tool. Zhang Bo has also developed this sort of attitude towards learning and using English.

  What does he do, exactly? Every day, he listens to the voices of native speakers.

  He spends much time listening to tapes containing voices of native speakers as well as to the Voice of America (VOA). He records its programs and tries to copy exactly the pronunciation, rhythm and intonation of the announcers. He records his own voice saying the same thing and works and works until his voice can match that of the announcers. Concurrently, he does the same with other English tapes. Many students are never able to use English fluently because they never find their English voice. They settle for something that is between Chinese and English rather than committing themselves to finding an English voice that is beautiful and clear and that will flow like water. The tongue, the lips, and the mouth—they are muscles that must be trained to perform. Just as any athlete must train his muscles, so must the speaker of another language and often even of his own language if he wants to speak it well.

  How does he train his speaking muscles? He consistently uses a “repeater”.

  Just as athletes use many kinds of machines to train their muscles and enhance their performance, so does Zhang Bo. He uses a special machine known as a “repeater” which repeats sentences time and time again; then it “listens” to Zhang Bo’s voice and tells him how closely his voice matches that of the native speaker’s on the tape.

  How else does he enhance his speaking? He increases his speed and imagination.

  Listening to tapes with voices of native speakers is vital in this process. However, many of the English listening tapes available on the market have slowed down English. Also, when a student works solely with the VOA, often the student’s speech will be too slow and not very fluent. Therefore, if a student wants to sound more like a native speaker, then he or she must consciously work to speed up his or her English. Zhang Bo does this by saying each sentence slowly, clearly pronouncing each word; then he will gradually say the sentence faster and faster but doing it in such a way as to keep his pronunciation very clear. In this way he increases his rate of speaking and makes his voice more like a native speaker’s. After pronouncing the sentence fluently and authentically, Zhang Bo takes the essential next step of trying to imagine in what situations he could use the sentence.

  This is so important. The sentence is seen as a crucial tool for communication rather than just a subject to be studied. At the same time, he will look for opportunities to use the sentence, for instance, when asking about his English studies with teachers, with other students or with foreign friends.

  What about new vocabulary? They are basic tools for communication.

  Zhang Bo also increases his understanding of how to use new vocabulary. He primarily learns new vocabulary from readings at school and extra reading that he does on his own. He learns new words in context: in sentences rather than by themselves. He treats the words as friends that he wants to know very well. He wants to know everything about them and about their “friends”, the words that usually surround them. In knowing everything, he must know the word’s pronunciation, because learning a word’s name is like learning a friend’s name.

  What dictionary does he like? He prefers English/English/Chinese.

  Zhang Bo also gets more ideas about the sentences and words’ possible usage from an English/English/Chinese dictionary. In this kind of dictionary, the English word is given with a complete English definition and ends with a short Chinese explanation. This is much preferable to an English/Chinese only dictionary because with an English/Chinese dictionary, students often become too dependent on Chinese and direct translation. Too much dependence on direct translation can greatly limit a student’s ability to use English creatively and fluently. With an English/English/ Chinese dictionary, the student can focus on English rather than Chinese. The student gets more repetition of English words in the English definition. At the same time, the dictionary gives many possible usages, idioms and example sentences. Finally, the student can use the Chinese in the dictionary to enhance learning rather than using the Chinese as the primary way of understanding new words and sentences. Zhang Bo likes to focus more on the English definitions and then tries to guess the Chinese meaning. It becomes like a game with a nice pay off when he guesses the Chinese meaning correctly.

  How does he find chances to talk in English? He uses English everywhere.

  At first, Zhang Bo was quite shy. He found it very difficult to say anything to foreigners when he met them. One day, his parents pushed him forward and encouraged him to do so. This is so important a step. Slowly, little by little, he became braver. Now, he practices speaking English, everywhere, all the time and with everyone. He practices English in the morning, at night, anytime that he can catch the chance, whenever and wherever possible. For instance, even though his parents don't know English, he will talk to them in English and then translate it into Chinese. At school, he always talks to his English teachers in English and he will speak English when talking to his classmates. The majority of his classmates thought he was crazy, but he didn’t let that stop him. He was determined to improve his spoken English. Eventually, they accepted it. After a while, his classmates also started looking for chances to speak English with him. In this way, he has greatly influenced his classmates.

  Doesn’t he worry about his face? He set up “The Losing Face English Corner”.

  If a student wants to truly communicate in English, there is no time to worry about losing face. Making mistakes is a necessary and an important part of learning.

  Never making a mistake equals never learning. However, students shouldn’t keep making mistakes again and again. Student must try to use the language, make the mistake and then learn from the mistake. Zhang Bo has influenced his classmates and has created an opportunity to make mistakes and use English through the “Losing Face English Corner” which he has founded at his school. He and his classmates meet in a certain place during the long fifteen-minute morning break to talk in English. Different students take turns presenting topics for discussion. When the students are discussing the topics, many mistakes are made but learning happens; and more importantly, communication happens.

  His motto? “Authentic pronunciation is the most effective thing that can lead you to success.”




  他是如何做到的? 对于张博来说,发音是关键所在。


  他具体是怎么做的? 每天他都聆听英美人士的声音。


  那么他怎样训练呢? 利用复读机。


  他还怎样提高说的能力? 他加快语速,加深想象。






  他怎样找到机会去实战呢? 这不成问题。


  难道他不担心脸面问题? 他建立了“丢人英语角”。


  他的名言? “地道发音是使你走向成功的最有效的东西。”



  My Favorite Hobby

  Hello, ladies and gentlemen. the boy standing here is still that active and crazy guy named Zhang Bo ,with an English name—Gari. Excited to have rushed into the Hebei final. And it might be a good idea to get to the point of the speech im mediately.

  I’ve got masses of different types of hobbies. Such as sports, music, painting and photograghing. But best of all, I’m fond of English.

  At the age of 5, I began to be mad about English when I heard the story of muzzy on CCTV. It brought me to a totally different and exciting new language world. From that time on, learning English has become the most important part of my daily life and even one of my hobbies. I practice any time that I can catch the chance. All in all, if I had my way, I would spend all my time practicing English. When I follow the tape and yell “Turn to p17 of your workbook and do the first 15 problems.” I imagine becoming a teacher and talking to my students. When I say “As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities.” I imagine being interviewed and supplying answers during the interview. When I shout with the tape “I would like to briefly introduce to you the business philosophy of our company.” I imagine that I am a boss, holding a meeting with my employees. When I speak out “That is, the road to build socialism with Chinese characteristics, which we have found through long term practice.” I imagine that I am the president of a nation, making a speech in a university. In short, when I meet a fantastic sentence, I imagine that it is a kind of great treasure, and only this sentence and I are left in the world, and I will crack it in no time.

  Since I’ve begun using this approach, not only have I passed every English exam very easily with high marks, but more importantly, I’ve begun to use English. Not only have I known how to learn a language, but more importantly, I’ve known how to face the difficulties correctly and get over them. Not only have I realized that “Rome wasn’t built in a day, but more importantly, I’ve realized learning foreign languages should be fun. Most importantly, I understand that if you want to get ahead you’ll have to work long hours and take short vacations.

  Right now, I’m making every effort to develop my favorite hobby as the propelling force of my study and to be more powerful in the process of the new world economy. I’m trying to make them happen.

  Thank you!



  大家好。站在这里的男孩还是那个活泼疯狂的张博,英文名叫Gari. 很高兴能进入河北决赛。好了,让我们直入主题。



  中央电视台播出的英语教学片《玛泽的故事》使我开始喜欢上了英语。它把我带入了一个全然不同和令人激动的语言世界。从那时起,学习英语就变成了我生活中最重要的一部分,甚至成了我的业余爱好。我一找到机会就练习。如果让我由着性子来,我会占用一切时间练习英语。每当我伴着磁带大喊“翻到17页,做前15题”,我想象我是一名教师,正同我的学生讲话;每当我脱口而出“只要这个职务适合我的能力,使我学有所用,工作有所长进,我就会一直干下去”,我想象是在面试时回答考官的提问; 每当我讲到“我将向大家简单介绍一下本公司的经营理念”,我想象我是一名经理,在同我的职员开会;每当我说道“这就是我们通过长期实践寻求到的建设有中国特色社会主义道路”,我想象成了国家领导人,正在大学演讲……简而言之,每当我遇到一个美妙的句子,我就想像这个世界上只剩下我和这个句子,我会立刻将它攻克掉。





  Facing Applause Correctly

  Hello, ladies and gentlemen. Today I’m very glad to be here to share with you some of my thoughts on the topic of an attitude towards life----facing applause correctly.

  There was a philosopher who once said that applause is one of the most wonderful extras in life. I personally couldn’t agree more. Applause gives us the power which enables us to show our talents in competitions. It is a cluster of exuberant flowers which continues to bloom time and time again on one’s road to success; it is the propelling force which pushes one forward on and on through everything.

  If one becomes successful in a certain field of study, applause will make him much happier, telling him to keep up the good work and make better progress. If one fails to do something, applause will give him enough courage to get over it, helping him to have more confidence and never say die. It is difficult to imagine what the world would be like if no applause existed. Everything would turn out to be lacking in energy and everyone would turn out without passion.

  Applause is the sun; it brightly warms every corner of the earth and offers us enthusiasm to conquer every difficulty. However, too much sunshine can make plants fade and give us sunburns. Applause is a well; it unselfishly feeds the thirsty grass and also clears our troubled minds. However, too much water may wash away all of our houses and destroy our homestead. Applause is a breeze; it gently touches creatures all over the world and calms our nerves when we get anxious. However, too much wind will stir up the ocean and cause a huge disaster. All in all, different people may have different reactions to applause, and these may even be opposite sometimes. Therefore, face applause correctly. And then, success can be achieved by him, her, you and I.

  Thank you, everyone!






