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  Occupation One: Translator (职业一:笔译)

  Points for Skill: 60 (移民职业分:60)

  Assessing Authority: NAATI (职业评估机构:澳大利亚翻译认证协会)

  Tasks Include (主要工作职责):

  l 、study the original text to understand the meaning and convert it into another language in a way that conveys the original meaning, spirit and feeling

  2、 use dictionaries and other sources to determine meanings of words and phrases and to establish their closest equivalent in the target language

  3、 translate a wide range of written material, which could include business letters, application forms, novels or detailed scientific articles

  4 、make sure that phraseology and terminology in legal, technical and scientific texts is accurately translated

  5、 supply subtitles for foreign films and television programs

  6、 revise translations done by others.

  Personal Requirements (从业者能力要求):

  l 、excellent command of English and ability to learn, or have knowledge in, at least one other language

  2 、understanding and acceptance of different cultures

  3 、able to work accurately and objectively

  4 、initiative and research skills

  5 、broad general knowledge

  Occupation Two: Interpreter (职业二:口译)

  Points for Skill: 60 (移民职业分:60)

  Assessing Authority: NAATI (职业评估机构:澳大利亚翻译认证协会)

  Tasks Include (主要工作职责):

  l、 interpret communications between two parties

  2 、provide simultaneous or consecutive interpretations of conversations or speeches

  3、 orally translate written texts.

  Personal Requirements(从业者能力要求):

  1、 excellent command of English

  2 、knowledge in, or ability to learn, at least one other language

  3 、able to work accurately and objectively

  4、 initiative and research skills

  5、 broad general knowledge

  6、 good concentration skills

  7、 high memory retention

  8 、able to maintain confidentiality

  9、 understanding and acceptance of different cultures


  Occupation Three: Pre-Primary School Teacher (职业三:幼儿园教师)

  Points for Skill: 60 (移民职业分:60)

  Assessing Authority: TA (职业评估机构:澳大利亚教师协会)

  Tasks Include (主要工作职责):

  l 、plans and structures learning in both indoor and outdoor environments using a variety of materials and equipment to facilitate students' development

  2、 provides a variety of experiences and activities to develop motor skills, cooperative social skills, confidence and understanding

  3 、promotes language development through story telling, role play, songs, rhymes and informal discussions held individually or within groups

  4 、observes students to uate their progress and to detect signs of ill health, emotional disturbance or other disabilities

  5 、observes nutritional health, welfare and safety needs of students and identifies factors which may impede students' progress

  6、 discusses students' progress with parents

  7、 attends parent interviews, staff and committee meetings

  8、 participates in community and family support programs as appropriate

  9、 supervises student teachers on placement

  Personal Requirements(从业者能力要求):

  1、 able to relate to children and their families

  2、 a keen desire to teach children

  3 、willing to learn

  4、 good problem-solving skills

  5 、sound literacy and numeracy skills

  6、 high level of planning and organisational skills

  7 、enthusiasm, tact, patience and a sense of humour

  8、 prepared to work out of school hours

  Occupation Four: Primary School Teacher (职业四:小学教师)

  Points for Skill: 60 (移民职业分:60)

  Assessing Authority: TA (职业评估机构:澳大利亚教师协会)

  Tasks Include (主要工作职责):

  l 、teaches literacy, numeracy, social science, creative expression_r and physical education skills to primary school students

  2、 develops students' interests, abilities and coordination by way of creative activities

  3 、presents subject matter using a range of teaching techniques and materials

  4、 guides discussions and supervises work in class

  5、 tests and uates students for individual progress in written and oral work


  6、 encourages personal development by assisting students to use and develop their capabilities

  7、 discusses students' progress and social, behavioural and learning problems with parents and school counsellors

  8、 maintains attendance records and school discipline

  9、 participates in staff meetings, educational conferences and workshops

  10 、performs extra-curricular tasks such as assisting with sport, school concerts, excursions and special interest programs

  11、 supervises student teachers on placement

  Personal Requirements(个人能力要求):

  l、 enjoy working with children

  2 、creative and organised

  3、 patient in dealing with students of differing abilities

  4、 able to communicate simply and clearly

  5、 prepared to work out of school hours

  Occupation Five: Secondary School Teacher (职业五:中学教师)

  Points for Skill: 60 (移民职业分:60)

  Assessing Authority: TA (职业评估机构:澳大利亚教师协会)

  Tasks Include (主要工作职责):

  l 、presents subject matter using a range of teaching techniques and materials

  2 、prepares, administers and marks tests, projects and assignments to uate students' progress, and records the results

  3 、discusses individual progress and problems with students and parents and seeks advice from student counsellors or senior teachers

  4 、maintains discipline in classrooms and other school areas

  5 、participates in staff meetings, educational conferences and workshops

  6、 liaises with parent, community and business groups

  7、 maintains class and scholastic records

  8 、supervises student teachers on placement

  9、 may coordinate teaching in a particular subject area

  10、 may assist with sporting activities and excursions

  Personal Requirements(个人能力要求):

  l、 enthusiasm for, and ability in, their chosen subject area and teaching

  2 、high-level organisational skills

  3 、able to communicate concepts and instructions clearly

  4、 enjoy working with teenage children

  5 、patient in dealing with students of differing abilities and from different cultures

  6、 acceptance of the rights and needs of all individuals

  7、 prepared to work out of school hours





