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新西兰留学费用 新西兰奥克兰本科学费一览


International tuition fees for undergraduate programmes 2014
Programme Fee per point Estimated annual tuition fee based on 120 points
Bachelor of Architectural Studies NZ$273.33 NZ$32,800
Bachelor of Arts (except performance and science-based courses) NZ$210.83 NZ$25,300
Bachelor of Arts (performance and science-based courses) NZ$247.50 NZ$29,700
Bachelor of Business and Information Management NZ$247.50 NZ$29,700
Bachelor of Commerce NZ$247.50 NZ$29,700
Bachelor of Dance Studies NZ$247.50 NZ$29,700
Bachelor of Education NZ$212.25 NZ$25,470
Bachelor of Engineering (Honours) NZ$319.17 NZ$38,300
Bachelor of Fine Arts NZ$247.50 NZ$29,700
Bachelor of Health Sciences NZ$247.50 NZ$29,700
Bachelor of Human Services NZ$212.25 NZ$25,470
Bachelor of Laws NZ$247.50 NZ$29,700
Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery - Year 2 onwards (for Year 1 see Bachelor of Health Sciences) NZ$557 NZ$66,840
Bachelor of Music NZ$247.50 NZ$29,700
Bachelor of Nursing NZ$247.50 NZ$29,700
Bachelor of Optometry NZ$397.25 NZ$47,670
Bachelor of Pharmacy NZ$319.17 NZ$38,300
Bachelor of Physical Education NZ$212.25 NZ$25,470
Bachelor of Property NZ$247.50 NZ$29,700
Bachelor of Science NZ$247.50 NZ$29,700
Bachelor of Social Work NZ$212.25 NZ$25,470
Bachelor of Technology* NZ$247.50-319.17 NZ$29,700-38,300
Bachelor of Theology NZ$210.83 NZ$25,300
Bachelor of Urban Planning (Honours) NZ$247.50 NZ$29,700
Study Abroad N/A NZ$12,500 per semester


