留学e网讯 当申请人按照学校规定提供各种材料以后,并不能就此静坐等待结果。在绝大多数情况下,还得与对方学校保持联络。所寄去的材料也未必完全符合对方的要求,如有这种情况,对方会来信要求更正、补充或处理。下面是对申请表有疑问的联络信范例,供大家参考。
范例2 申请表已填寄,为何又寄来新表
I have just received from your office an application form and information for
international students. However, I have completed and submitted the same form
and paid the $ 25 admission / evaluation fee before.
Would you please tell me
if my application and fee have reached you or if the recent materials were sent
me by mistake?
Thanks for your assistance.