留学e网讯 当申请人按照学校规定提供各种材料以后,并不能就此静坐等待结果。在绝大多数情况下,还得与对方学校保持联络。所寄去的材料也未必完全符合对方的要求,如有这种情况,对方会来信要求更正、补充或处理。下面是通知TOEFL及GRE成绩已寄出(附收据)的联络信范例,供大家参考。
范例10 通知TOEFL及GRE成绩已寄出(附收据)
Thank you for your letter of July 25. I wish to inform you that the official
copies of my GRE and TOEFL scores have been requested. Enclosed you will find
acknowledgments from ETS which show the code of your University as a recipient
of my scores.
Your assistance is very much appreciated