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  Afamousmeatpackingplantwasexposedforharmfuladditivesinporkproducts,yet theirPublicRelationsDepartmentdidnotprovideproperinformationtomedia,which quicklyput officialsofFoodSafety under increasingpublicandinternational pressure.

  Asmajoredincommunicationoncampus,Ihadmanychancestogetintouchwith reputation management, in classes orlibrary, moreover,Ipositivelysought placement at XXX in vacation, where I could get the forefront information about reputation management,alwaysthenegativecases.Thenin2009,workedasjournalistinXXX,I interviewedsomecorporations,anddeeplyunderstandhowtheydeveloptheirown communication work,and manage their reputation.Atthemeantime,I studied with effort, in junior and senior years, I got GPA of 90. For excellent performance in studyingandplacement,IwasprovidedwithanopportunitytoworkinXXX,amain magazine whose circulation ranked first in Asia, during my final placement. I was assignedtotheNewMediaDepartment, andthe responsibilityof ourteam wasto promote its eBook reader, something like Kindle of Amazon. However, the team leader, whohad10-yearsalesexperience intraditionalmedia, hadnoideaabout how to promote this kind of book. He hoped us could get some ideas from Amazon's success, but how,product design, competitive pricing, and copy right management, all the seaspects could not beeasily and completely copied.What weshoulddoisto analyze the electronic publishing marketin China and toplanre lateds ales strategy,I proposed myown ideas and that stimulate dabroad discussionin our team,everyone told why and how,finally we got the initial marketing model.And the experience so impressive forme that I choseit as my topic of thesis, researched on how to establish profitable model,how topromotee Book reader,and how to develop this product asa newbrand of the whole corporation.

  After graduation, the corporation offer edmea position in the New Media Department, toanalyze market trends,and plan sales strategy.I am competent to the setasks,but that's not my interest, and what always engages my attention is corporate communication,how to establish agood reputation in the earlierstage,and how to cultivate customer's loyalty to product sand the brand,and how to monitor negative information that would damage corporate reputation, and how to cooperate with traditionalme diaandsend out rightmessageincrisis.All thoseissuesplayavitalrole in corporate development, and no corporation could afford to ignore. Individually, I want to develop asound career in this field after graduated,and even startup my own business in later future,thus I firmly decided to pursue my further education in the program of CorporateCommunications and ReputationManagement.

  Compared with other applicants, I know I amnot one of those fromTop10 Colleges having 99.9%belief inseveral offer sfrom different programs. However, I am excellent, honestand straight; I really love this program and this university more than anyone else.And I am eager to study in the program and will exert all my strengths to study in further education,and I believe I can succeedin this field.








