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  美国留学文书是极其重要的申请材料。除了硬件成绩之外,最重要的申请材料便是文书。美国留学文书是许多同学比较头疼的部分。那么关于 美国留学文书写作的主题,为大家总结一下文书写作主题:个人故事

  Yes, the enzyme, a catalyst that people usually overlook. We always seem to focus more on the reactants and the products, just as we prefer to admire founders and leaders, those who achieve great success and are in the ‘spotlight’. I struggled, just like everyone else, to be the “most” important. Now, however, I know that I prefer to be an enzyme, managing the dynamic reactions within an organism and keeping life healthy from behind the scenes. Explaining difficult biology problems to my classmates, volunteering to play the background music, writing the script for the school broadcasting station, organizing talent shows to make other people shine, I strive to be the invisible yet strong wing that helps others fly.

