另外你如果这样做的话,会有惊喜发现!拿以下这个link来说,看完 http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans/advice/prospective.html之后,回到上一级,也就是http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans/advice/,你会有新的发现!
GOOGLE文章题目,作者等等。防止失效的办法有:边看边做笔记或者CTRL C CTRL V 保存在word里,或者直接将网页转成PDF文件。
经典回答:The illustrated guide to a Ph.D. (http://matt.might.net/articles/phd-school-in-pictures/)
So long, and thanks for the Ph.D.! (http://www.cs.unc.edu/~azuma/hitch4.html)
Graduate school is not nearly as exam-basedas undergraduate education and requires different skills, the GRE andundergraduate grades are not as good an indicator of who will excel and whowill drop out as admission committees seem to think. Those tests do not measurecreativity, tenacity, interpersonal skills, oral presentation skills, and manyother important traits.
3 qualities of successful Ph.D. students:Perseverance, tenacity and cogency(http://matt.might.net/articles/successful-phd-students/)
At Cross Purposes: What the experiences of doctoral studentsreveal about doctoral education (http://www.phd-survey.org/)
简介:The Survey onDoctoral Education and Career Preparation is a national survey of doctoralstudents intended to provide a snapshot of their experiences and goals. Over4,000 students completed the 20-page survey. These students were from 27selected universities, one cross-institutional program (The Compact for FacultyDiversity), and represented 11 arts and sciences disciplines. 虽然该报告出版于2001年,但还是很值得参考的
1、HOW TO:Get into grad school for science, engineering, math andcomputer science
简介:如果我在申请的时候没有发表论文怎么办在这个文章中会找到答案[Showing interest;Showingexperience;Showing potential]。最吸引的人是最后作者说的话:If you got rejected from everywhere but you followed my advice,contact me. I'll do my best to give you a candid assessment of why I think youwere rejected and what you can do to improve your chances. 当然申请之前也可以向他寻求些意见,不得过慎重。
2、Advice for Undergraduates Considering Graduate School http://polaris.gseis.ucla.edu/pagre/grad-school.html
简介:A brief how-to,perhaps ten pages, for undergraduates who think they might want to get a PhD. Ioriginally wrote it for students in my own department, but over time I haveextended it in response to comments from people in other fields. It emphasizesthe value of getting involved in research and is especially intended forsophomores and juniors.
3、Advice for preparing to apply and actually applying to science Ph.D.programs http://www.stanford.edu/~pgbovine/grad-school-app-tips.htm
简介:The Ph.D. applicationis best viewed as a job application rather than as a traditional college orprofessional school application. Candidates are applying for the job of a paidresearch assistant who just happens to also be able to take classes and worktowards a degree. Therefore, to maximize your chances of admission, you mustshow how you will be a valuable asset to the school in terms of producingresearch results. 写的很中肯,实在,包括对陶瓷的看法。
4、Advice for Foreign Students Wishing to Pursue Graduate Study inComputer Science at UCSC http://users.soe.ucsc.edu/~ejw/advice/
一些观点非常有道理:I frequentlysee high GRE verbal and TOEFL scores accompanied by a poorly written personalstatement. This says to me that the student takes tests well, but still has problemswith written English expression;If you sendsupplemental information, make sure it is directly relevant to the pursuit ofgraduate study in Computer Science; otherwise it indicates the student doesn'thave the critical analysis skills to determine what information can truly helptheir application
5、Advice for Prospective Research Students http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~evans/advice/prospective.html
6、Advice for prospective doctoral students http://www.phd-survey.org/advice/advice.htm
提供了Art History、Chemistry Ecology、English Geology、History Mathematics、Molecular/CellularBiology、Philosophy、Psychology、Sociology等学科来自各个研究生院的在读学生的建议
7、http://www.gettingintogradschool.com/ PDF简版( Getting In An Applicant s Guide to Graduate School.pdf ),如果喜欢可以在他的这个网站上买整本书
8. Council of Graduate Schools http://www.cgsnet.org/