留学e网讯 赴美国留学申请美国大学商学院,准备文书材料是一项既重要又难办的工程。尤其是Essay对于计划申请美国大学商学院的人来说更为重要。因此,在Essay写作过程中需要花很多的时间按和精力来进行筹划和准备。下面是杜克大学Essay的写作要点,学生可以参考。留学e网也为学生整理了众多优秀的Essay范文,大家可以参考一下。下载地址:
1 You need to be very present in your essay. (主要指那些写significant person 的同学,会犯强调别人而忽略自己的错误)
2 admissions officer will read every word. So make sure YOU read every word before hitting SEND. Also, it is best to let 2 OTHER PEOPEL read every word as well before you submit a final essay.
3 creativity counts-- but not at the expense of an essay that carries your message. Is it memorable?
4 Respect the 250 word minimum requirement- but be mindful of the length.
5 Write for your audience! Admissions professionals, university faculty member, student readers and scholarship officers may all be reaeding your essay. (她想说的是不要offence anyone)
6 Get to the point! don't just meander for 300 words showing off nice prose.