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美国留学签证 谁说社区大学不好签






  ●-VO △-me

  ●Why U.S.

  △Um.....Because U.S has a new and perfect educational system. And I failed to get good ....scores in the college entrance examination in China.(我想了4-5秒才回答的,当时紧张什么都忘了,说话一卡一卡的,很不通顺,,后面还好一点)

  ●What kind of school you attend High school (可能看我比较矮)

  △NO,no,I applied the community college

  ●Why community college

  △My english is not very good. So this kind college is pretty suitable for me. On the other hand,the goverment of California offers such good policy to make us more easier to transfer into the university of California,like UCB,UCLA and USC and so on.

  ●What community college

  △Pasadena.........(我还没说完,她就应该知哪了).....Pasadena City College.

  ●Could I see your acceptance letter

  △Yes,yeah,of course.....递给她

  ●How did know this college

  △From the web. And asked some residence who is in Los Angeles

  ●她马上打断一下,How to ask

  △I used the MsN to chat with them(签证官满意地点点头)

  ●When did you go to the high school



  △Um,from 2006-2009

  ●Graduted in June


  ●May I see your transript of your high school

  △Sure,here you are....

  ●Could you tell me what you did do after you graduated from your high school

  △Em,I attended some extra english course and prepared for my TOEFL test at september. At Ocboter I went to learn driving,and [ I am here for my visa interview ] 感觉整个过程说得最不好的地方。

  ●How much will you cost this 2 years

  △about 40 thousand

  ●Who suport you to pay the fees in college

  △My parents. They have a small company.

  ●How did they run it

  △My father makes the producions,and my mother help to sell them.(我这里说得很慢,不知怎样说)

  ●What's kind of their company

  △Bathroom.... --------她明白了,满意地点点头

  ●What will you do after compeleting your community college

  △I will spare no effort to transfer into UCB and UCLA.

  ●拍键盘, your english is good.

  △My TOEFL test scores is only 46. Thank you. Could you want to see

  ●no,We have a good interview today. have a nice day........... ........ ...............,

  .......,your visa is approved.

  ●...........,..........,you should be more confident.

  △yeah,yeah,thank you very much(这时已经不知道该说什么,猛说thank you),拿好材料,把位置让好,就走了。拿住蓝条,到外面的EMS填单,再交钱,就可以了。


  另外一点:我主动塞资料给VO 2次, 都被她猛说NO,NO,弄得我比较尴尬,可能每个VO都不一样,所以大家应该在开始对话过一会,回答问题的时候,试着主动塞材料给VO,看她的表态如何。


  PS:我跟VO说话的时候,都是一卡一卡,很不流利的,她也可能知道我的水平怎样,只是要表达的意思表达清楚,听得明白她说什么,就可以了。everyone has difference!





