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IB学生申请美国爱达荷大学本科 相应课程减免学分对照表



Exam* Minimum Score UI Equivalent Course Credit Total Credits Granted
Art Not currently awarding credit
Biology 5 BIOL 115& BIOL 116 8 (4 each)
Business & Management 5 BUS 100 or BUS 101 3
Chemistry (Standard Level) 5 CHEM 111 & 112 9 (111=4 & 112=5)
Classical Languages 4 LATN 101 & 102 8 (4 each)
Computer Science (Standard Level) 5 CS 112 3
Computer Science 5 CS 113 3
English 5 ENGL 000 (lower-division humanities elective) 3
Environmental Science (Standard Level) 5 ENVS 101 3
French A 5 FREN 201, 202, & 305 11
French B 4 FREN 201 & 202 8 (4 each)
Geography (Standard Level) 5 GEOG 165 3
Geography 5 GEOG 200 3
German A 5 GERM 201, 202, & 306 11
German B 4 GERM 201 & 202 8 (4 each)
History, American 5 HIST 111 & 112 6 (3 each)
History, World/European 5 HIST 101 & 102 6 (3 each)
Mathematics 4 MATH 143 3
5 MATH 160 4
6 MATH 170 4
Music Perception & Analysis 5 MUSH 101 3
Philosophy Not currently awarding credit
Physics (Standard Level) 5 PHYS 111 & 112 (lecture only) 6 (3 each)
Psychology 4 PSYC 101 3
Social Anthropology 4 ANTH 100 3
Spanish A 5 SPAN 201, 202 & 308 11
Spanish B 4 SPAN 201 & 202 8 (4 each)
Theatre Arts Not currently awarding credit
*All exams must be taken at the Higher Level unless otherwise indicated.
