5.6 登记结婚
5.10 某人回加拿大
7.1晚 到北京。
7.2早 到北京签证中心递交材料。
7.5晚 查询护照已被大使馆寄出。
7.6-7.7 在酷暑、惶恐、煎熬、愤怒、无奈和自我安慰中等待所谓的“EMS”。
(ps,奉劝EMS改名为exhausting mail service,根据在线查询,本人的资料出了大使馆的门以后愣是在北京蹲了一天)
7.8早 终于在学校收发室拿到了。
1.Check list
我的Check list结合了上述第一个帖子和使馆网页的check list,属于自用,因为签证中心的工作人员抽掉了很多。注意没有资产证明!
Page | No. | A Files of Applicant |
1 | A-1 | Application for a Temporary Resident Visa (IMM 5257) |
2 | A-2 | Family Composition Information and Details of Education and Employment |
3 | A-3 | Two identical photos of the applicant(我用的护照照片,特意量了说明的尺寸,就是两寸) |
4 | A-4 | A valid passport for the applicant |
5 | A-5 | Two self-addressed adhesive labels with the applicant’s current address in Chinese characters |
6-7 | A-6 | Applicant’s letter (English and Chinese) |
8-9 | A-7 | Original and notarial certificate letter of the applicant’s employment and granting leave of absence |
10-11 | A-8 | Applicant’s resume (notarial certificates of diplomas and degrees of the applicant) |
12 | A-9 | Explanation of the source of applicant’s fund |
13 | A-10 | Original and notarial bank documents of applicant |
14 | A-11 | A supportive letter of financial guarantee from the applicant’s mother |
15 | A-12 | Original and notarial bank documents of applicant’s mother |
16 | A-13 | Notarial certificate of relationship between the applicant and her parents |
17 | A-14 | Notarial certificate of no criminal sanctions of the applicant |
18-19 | A-15 | Proofs of the applicant coming back on time (university calendars, photos with students, etc.) |
20-22 | A-16 | Proofs of relationship with the inviter in Canada (notarial certificate of marriage, the phone cards buying history; E-mails; MSN records and family photos.) |
23 | A-17 | ELECTRONIC TICKET JOURNEY LIST of booking air tickets from Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. |
Page | No. | B Files of Inviter |
24 | B-1 | Inviter’s letter |
25 | B-2 | A list showing the number of people in inviter’s household |
26 | B-3 | A copy of the inviter’s study permit VISA |
27 | B-4 | A letter of acceptance from the inviter’s university |
28 | B-5 | Copy of the inviter’s passport |
29 | B-6 | Copy of the inviter’s students card of the university and the social insurance (No. 91817****) |
30 | B-7 | A letter of total annual salary of the applicant from the university |
31-32 | B-8 | Proof of inviter’s income and financial situation |
33 | B-9 | The family composition of inviter |