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       昆士兰科技大学创意产业学院和Artisan 机构(以前叫做Craft Queensland)联合举办的此次研讨会,并且对公众开放的,主题是活在昆士兰,而设计的却是世界。
        昆士兰已经是澳洲一些领先设计和创新产业专业人士的发源地,这些人士都是昆士兰科技大学创意产业学  院的毕业生或是三个联合研究中心的人士。
       Ross Honeywill,消费行动主义者,NEO Power的作者。
       Michael Keane博士,昆士兰科技大学研究人员,中国和创新产业的专业人士
       Vincent Frost,平面设计师,全球品牌专家
       Judith Thompson,新西兰设计行业专业人士
Seminar has designs on boosting Qld's creativity
Experts on global branding, the new breed of design consumers, and China's creative economy will be among the people sharing their creative insights during a one-day seminar at the Queensland University of Technology on July 6.
QUT's Creative Industries Faculty and Artisan (formerly Craft Queensland) are jointly hosting the seminar, Live in Queensland: Design in the world, which is open to the public.
Queensland is already home to some of Australia's leading design and creative industries experts, through QUT's Creative Industries Faculty and three associated research centres.
On July 6, industry experts from around the country and across the Tasman will unite to present a global picture on design industry issues, including changing markets and emerging opportunities.
Guest speakers include:
Ross Honeywill, consumer behaviorist and author of NEO Power
Dr Michael Keane, QUT researcher and expert in the creative industries and China
Vincent Frost, graphic designer and global brands specialist
Judith Thompson, New Zealand design industry expert