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A-levels: traditional subjects 'disappearing'

Traditional A-level subjects such as maths, science, history and geography are disappearing from hundreds of state schools, according to figures.

One in seven secondary schools in England failed to enter pupils for exams in geography or physics last summer, it was disclosed. More than one in 10 shunned chemistry.

This comes despite the fact that many top universities favour more rigorous courses and effectively reject students applying with large numbers of newer A-levels, such as media studies and psychology.

The Conservatives, who obtained the data through a Parliamentary question, said the disappearance of academic subjects from some state schools was “extremely worrying”.

It follows the publication of research from Cambridge University’s examination board that warned subjects such as the sciences and mathematics were increasingly becoming the preserve of independent and grammar schools.

The Tories have pledged to reform school and college league tables to reward those entering pupils for large numbers of “tougher” A-levels.

Nick Gibb, shadow schools minister, said: “These subjects provide the rigorous academic training that enables children to succeed across a number of fields later in life.

“Ministers like to pretend that employers and universities value all A-levels as highly as traditional academic subjects but it simply isn’t true.

“The Government’s flawed league tables incentivise weaker schools to push pupils away from the traditional subjects towards less crunchy alternatives. In doing so they are cheating those children, many of whom are from more deprived backgrounds.”

Around one in seven schools - 264 in total - did not enter any pupils for A-level geography in 2007 - the latest available information - and a similar proportion failed to enter students for physics.

Figures also show that more than one in 10 comprehensives did not enter pupils for A-level chemistry, while six percent failed to enroll candidates for maths and seven per cent shunned biology.

A further 145 schools - eight per cent - did not enter pupils for A-level history.

Many comprehensives failing to enter pupils for history had twice as many pupils eligible for free school meals – the Government’s favoured measure of poverty – than the national average.

The figures come as thousands of teenagers across England, Wales and Northern Ireland receive their A-level results on Thursday.

Iain Wright, the Schools Minister, said: "It is ridiculous to suggest that every school or college should teach every single A-level subject.

"Just looking at who does or doesn't offer what completely ignores the fact pupils have always moved between institutions to study the subjects they want. You cannot simply equate what is on offer in individual institutions with what young people have the choice to do.

"What is important to look at is whether young people are taking these A-levels and the evidence from last summer shows that traditional subjects are doing well."

(, Jainlyn&Charlotte)