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  “外研社·剑桥雅思考试培训教程”是一套专为雅思考试编写的权威培训教材,针对雅思考试的题型设计编排,重点突出,针对性强,深受广大考生的喜爱。剑桥大学出版社是剑桥大学考试委员会(UCLES)雅思培训资料的惟一官方出版机构,本套教程中所包含的全真试题资料由剑桥大学考试委员会提供,极具权威性和实用性。同时,该套教程也是英联邦国家雅思培训机构专用教材,在雅思培训方面具有不可替代的作用,其中《剑桥雅思考试题型透析》一书素有雅思考试培训“圣经”的美称。 本书中的最新全真试题资料由剑桥大学考试委员会提供,对近几年雅思考试的测试方向及其出题思路具有极强的前瞻性和针对性,对考生备战雅思考试具有极强的指导意义。书中包含4套完整的学术类雅思考试全真试题,另外还附有针对一般类雅思考生的阅读和写作试题。书后附有习题答案和听力录音文本,适合读者进行自学。可复制使用的答题纸便于读者体会和熟悉真实的考试模式。 本书听力部分的资料配有录音磁带(现在转换为MP3),这些资料在时间安排上与考试完全一致。


  The book contains four complete sample IELTS tests, each comprising Listening and Speaking modules and Academic Reading and Writing modules.In addition there is one set of the General Training Reading and Writing modules. (NB all candidates do the same Listening and Speaking modules.)To accompany the tests there is an answer key at the back of the book and you should refer to this after you have attempted each of the practice tests. Also included is an annotated copy of the listening tapescripts with the appropriate sections highlighted to help you to check your answers. In addition, you will find one model answer for each type of writing task to guide you with your writing. There is a comprehensive key for the Reading and Listening sections,but if you are in any doubt about your answers, talk to a teacher or an English speaking friend. Where you are required to answer in your own words, the answer must be accurate in both meaning as well as grammar in order to be scored correct.

