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Candidates for students interview on campus

Finalists for the position of dean of students at

the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire will interview on campus

during the weeks of May 3 and May 10. Each finalist will hold an

open forum during his or her campus visit. All UW-Eau Claire

students, faculty and staff are invited to attend the forums.

All forums will be held from 11 a.m.-noon in Davies Theatre,

Davies Center. Open forum dates for the four finalists are as

follows (each candidate's name is linked to his or her

curriculum vitae):

May 3: Brian A. Carlisle, dean of students and associate vice

president, San Francisco Art Institute.
May 6: Orinthia T. Montague, associate vice provost/dean of

students at the University of Missouri-St. Louis.
May 10: Jodi M. Thesing-Ritter, associate dean of students at

UW-Eau Claire.
May 13: Eric M. Norman, associate dean of students and director

of Student Advocacy & Accountability at Louisiana State

The finalist campus visits will be hosted by the Dean of

Students Search and Screen Committee, which includes Vicki Funne

Reed (chair), University Recreation & Sport Facilities; Kim

Wellnitz, Academic Advising; David Sprick, University Police;

Michael Weil, College of Arts and Sciences; Daven Raj

(undergraduate student member), Student Life and Diversity

director for the Student Senate; David Gardner (graduate student

member), LGBTQ program coordinator for the Women’s and Gender

Equity Center; Roberta Goodman, Counseling Services; Quincy

Chapman, Housing and Residence Life; and Malinda Hebert,

University Centers





