Sociology personal statement
Society’s dynamics affect every aspect of our lives, from the seemingly trivial to those of utmost importance. Sociology is vital as it helps to inform politics with the latest trends in crime, poverty, education and culture determining government policy, therefore, sociology becomes integral to my life completely. The essential nature of sociology means I feel a powerful urge to study it more.
Marxism, as a key perspective, when discussing the application of sociology in our society, has appealed to me in realising the ways in which a particular social institution acts or is used to benefit capitalism. The recognition that capitalism is used to create an ideological state has inspired me to research further the idea that… “Capital is dead labour, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks.” What interests me in studying this subject is the idea that other perspectives will influence my thinking, as I don’t have fixed ideals, but am keen to absorb many.
I have enjoyed Methodologies particularly researchers such as Milgram and his study of obedience, James Patrick, a ‘Glasgow gang observed’ and Lord Humphrey’s ‘tearoom trade’. These studies have inspired me to generate my own research in order to discover the latest trends and patterns in modern society associated with a capitalist perspective. Although producing a piece of primary data is difficult, especially due to time and cost, the determination of finding the empirical evidence drives me to success.
University will provide me with an opportunity not only for extending my educational knowledge into the subject area but also pursuing my personal interests into societies which the university offers. Activities such as swimming and dance are sports I would certainly choose to participate in and I would be keen to have a voice on the student union. Previous experiences with different peer groups through being a dance and special needs reading mentor and work experience in a primary school have assisted me in relating to others from different ages and family backgrounds. The study of psychology that I’ve so much enjoyed at A-level shows my development of a sociological imagination; adding to my enthusiasm into exploring human behaviour within society.
I am passionately involved in dog obedience training which together with badminton are activities I would love to pursue at university. I feel they help to improve many key skills I have to offer including independence, leadership and socialising. These personal strengths have also matured through extra-curricular activities such as the Young Enterprise Scheme where a Human Resources position became my responsibility for one year. Not only did we create a successful product and generate profit, but as a team we also acquired a place at the County Finals for being an exceptional company. Regular participation in charity work, such as the yearly McMillan Cancer Relief coffee morning and charity dog competitions have increased my awareness of others and improved my means of organisation and I would enjoy becoming involved with a range of inspirational activities such as these within university.
I am a committed and reliable student who is passionate about her work and I feel that university will become the ideal environment in which my studies and I will be able to expand in order for me to thrive as a person. The prospects of a challenging and demanding degree course motivate me towards success and create the foundations for a triumphant future career.