
当前位置:老首页 > 大学排名 > TIMES大学排名 > TIMES英国大学专业排名



Rank Institution Student Satisfaction Research Assessment Entry Standards Graduate Prospects Overall Score
1 Oxford 3.00 530 87 100.0
2 Cambridge 4.32 2.80 542 89 97.5
3 University College London 3.99 3.05 498 92 96.8
4 London School of Economics 3.91 3.10 488 88 95.7
5 Nottingham 4.09 2.90 474 84 94.4
6 Durham 3.87 2.90 496 82 93.8
7 Queen Mary 4.19 2.70 423 85 92.9
8 Glasgow 3.88 2.60 456 87 92.7
9 Bristol 3.87 2.60 483 84 92.7
10 Edinburgh 3.56 2.75 456 88 92.4
11 Aberdeen 4.14 2.20 404 93 91.9
12 Strathclyde 3.72 2.65 434 87 91.8
13 King's College London 3.89 2.55 462 82 91.6
14 Newcastle 4.32 2.25 446 81 91.4
15 Birmingham 4.11 2.65 428 79 91.3
16 Dundee 4.35 2.55 386 82 91.3
17 Southampton 4.13 2.50 438 79 91.1
18 Lancaster 3.92 2.40 415 87 91.0
19 Warwick 3.90 2.40 469 80 90.9
20 Manchester 3.63 2.50 455 83 90.6
21 Sussex 4.06 2.60 368 84 90.5
22 Leicester 4.20 2.20 388 86 90.3
23 Exeter 4.14 2.30 426 80 90.3
24 SOAS 4.06 2.35 413 82 90.2
25 Leeds 3.94 2.55 431 78 90.2
26 Reading 4.00 2.70 395 78 90.1
27 Queen's, Belfast 3.63 2.80 418 78 89.8
28 Sheffield 3.75 2.50 418 81 89.7
29 Brunel 3.94 2.45 365 84 89.4
30 Kent 3.97 2.85 340 79 89.4
31 Hull 3.96 2.35 351 87 89.4
32 Liverpool 3.89 2.45 422 77 89.3
33 East Anglia 4.15 2.25 393 79 89.1
34 Cardiff 3.77 2.80 411 72 88.9
35 Surrey 3.78 2.10 378 86 88.3
36 Oxford Brookes 3.86 2.40 335 80 87.4
37 Keele 3.78 2.45 316 82 87.3
38 Robert Gordon 3.94 1.50 315 92 86.2
39 Essex 3.78 2.45 340 72 85.9
40 City 3.67 2.10 358 78 85.8
41 Swansea 3.86 2.45 321 72 85.7
42 Aberystwyth 3.94 2.05 294 79 85.1
43 Manchester Metropolitan 3.71 2.15 312 78 85.0
44 Nottingham Trent 3.94 1.70 309 83 85.0
45 Buckingham 4.32 302 81 84.4
46 Northumbria 3.84 349 83 84.3
47 Portsmouth 3.97 2.10 292 72 84.0
48 Central Lancashire 4.01 1.60 272 81 83.5
49 Stirling 4.17 2.15 333 60 83.4
50 Westminster 3.57 2.20 305 72 83.3
51 De Montfort 3.98 1.85 237 78 82.9
52 West of England, Bristol 3.85 1.80 302 73 82.9
53 Greenwich 4.52 1.40 271 72 82.7
54 Salford 3.67 1.75 329 82.5
55 Ulster 3.90 2.65 307 53 82.4
56 Hertfordshire 4.08 2.15 241 67 82.3
57 Glamorgan 3.91 1.60 270 76 82.1
58 Chester 3.93 295 77 82.1
59 Huddersfield 3.87 284 79 82.0
60 Lincoln 4.19 1.60 273 70 81.9
61 Glasgow Caledonian 3.83 1.50 373 65 81.8
62 Edinburgh Napier 3.78 1.10 308 79 81.3
63 Teesside 4.32 0.00 290 67 81.2
64 East London 3.90 2.20 171 72 81.1
65 Gloucestershire 4.07 0.00 259 73 80.8
66 Sunderland 4.69 1.30 244 65 80.7
67 Staffordshire 3.87 0.00 240 78 80.7
68 Bournemouth 3.95 1.25 309 70 80.7
69 Buckinghamshire New 3.88 0.00 229 77 80.3
70 Abertay Dundee 2.00 228 79.9
71 Kingston 3.61 1.50 269 70 79.5
72 Birmingham City 3.55 0.00 250 76 79.4
73 Sheffield Hallam 3.72 1.40 278 67 79.1
74 Coventry 3.88 1.15 281 68 78.9
75 Derby 4.27 250 61 78.9
76 Leeds Metropolitan 3.62 277 68 78.7
77 Anglia Ruskin 3.74 265 65 78.2
78 Middlesex 3.60 1.65 194 70 78.2
79 Bangor 3.70 258 66 78.1
80 Liverpool John Moores 4.03 256 58 77.6
81 Plymouth 3.75 271 60 77.4
82 Brighton 278 63 76.8
83 Southampton Solent 3.71 0.85 239 68 76.2
84 Edge Hill 4.16 237 51 76.2
85 Bolton 3.82 175 76.0
86 London South Bank 3.62 199 63 75.8
87 London Metropolitan 3.53 1.55 222 55 75.2
88 Bedfordshire 3.89 200 55 75.1
89 Thames Valley 3.70 173 59 74.6
90 Northampton 3.87 231 47 74.2
91 Canterbury Christ Church 3.95 237 41 73.4
92 Bradford 3.98 250 38 73.2


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