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CUG Rank University Name Student Satisfaction Entry Standards Research Assessment Graduate Prospects Overall Score
2014 2013
1 - Lancaster 4.2 438 2.95 86.0 100.0
2 - Leeds 3.9 441 2.85   97.0
3 - Manchester 4.0 405 2.85 76.0 95.6
4 - Strathclyde 4.1 458 2.85 62.0 95.6
5 - Aston 3.9 403 2.70 80.0 95.2
6 - Cardiff 4.0   3.00   94.9
7 - Exeter 4.3   2.65   94.1
8 - Newcastle 3.6 409 2.50 80.0 93.8
9 - Reading 3.7 352 2.40 92.0 93.3
10 - Liverpool 3.9 393 2.45 68.0 92.0
11 - Royal Holloway 3.9 349 2.65   91.3
12 - Hull 4.0 331 2.35 78.0 91.1
13 - Kent 4.0   2.50   90.7
14 - Southampton 3.9   2.60   90.4
15 - Plymouth 4.0 304 2.05 86.0 90.3
16 - Sussex 3.5 385 2.45   90.0
17 - Keele 3.7 325 2.30 80.0 90.0
18 - Brunel 4.1   2.35   89.9
19 - Stirling 3.9 394 2.30 56.0 89.2
20 - Essex 3.7 325 2.60   88.7
21 - Bradford 4.0 303 2.50   88.5
22 - Bournemouth 4.0 341 1.95 70.0 88.4
23 - Manchester Metropolitan 3.7 328 2.20 70.0 88.1
24 - Dundee 4.0   2.25   88.0
25 - West of England, Bristol 3.7 314 2.15 72.0 87.5
26 - Oxford Brookes 3.9   1.95 70.0 87.3
27 - Nottingham Trent 3.4 338 2.15 70.0 87.2
28 - Swansea 3.7   2.35   87.2
29 - Portsmouth 3.7 309 2.10 72.0 87.2
30 - De Montfort 4.2 295 2.25 60.0 86.7
31 - Lincoln 4.2 296 1.70 70.0 86.5
32 - Kingston 3.8 295 2.45 58.0 85.9
33 - Salford 3.7   2.25 58.0 85.2
34 - Bangor 3.6   2.75 48.0 85.1
35 - Coventry 4.2 275 1.70 66.0 84.8
36 - Birmingham City 4.0 311 1.65 64.0 84.8
37 - Westminster 3.6 320 2.00 60.0 84.8
38 - Brighton 4.1 286 2.30 50.0 84.7
39 - Sheffield Hallam 3.9 311 1.90 58.0 84.6
40 - Edinburgh Napier 4.0 341 1.70 54.0 84.6
41 - Greenwich 4.4 295 1.75 54.0 84.6
42 - Teesside 3.9   1.90   84.3
43 - Ulster 4.1 293 2.25 46.0 84.1
44 - Northumbria 4.0   1.80 58.0 84.0
45 - Central Lancashire 3.8 284 1.95 60.0 83.9
46 - Staffordshire 3.9   1.95 54.0 83.7
47 - Huddersfield 3.9 298   70.0 83.4
48 - Aberystwyth 4.1 270 1.95 54.0 83.3
49 - Leeds Metropolitan 3.8 281 1.80 58.0 82.7
50 - Hertfordshire 3.6 302 2.15 48.0 82.6
51 - Chester 3.9 288   68.0 82.5
52 - Liverpool John Moores 3.9 305 1.45 56.0 82.2
53 - Glasgow Caledonian 3.6 354 1.95 40.0 82.1
54 - Glamorgan 4.0 333 1.85 36.0 81.9
55 - Worcester 4.3 290     81.7
56 - Buckinghamshire New 4.1 220 1.70 62.0 81.5
57 - Gloucestershire 3.5 271 1.40 68.0 81.4
58 - Canterbury Christ Church 4.2 261   60.0 81.2
59 - West of Scotland 4.2 266 1.85 42.0 81.1
60 - Cardiff Metropolitan 3.6   1.35 62.0 80.9
61 - Queen Margaret 3.8 310 1.25 52.0 80.5
62 - Abertay Dundee 3.7   1.55   80.3
63 - Edge Hill 3.7 303   56.0 80.2
64 - Chichester 4.0 279     79.9
65 - Northampton 3.9 280 1.55 46.0 79.9
66 - Southampton Solent 3.8 279   54.0 79.4
67 - University College Birmingham 3.9 204   64.0 78.7
68 - Middlesex 3.9 234 2.15 34.0 78.3
69 - Bedfordshire 3.9 200 1.70 50.0 78.2
70 - Roehampton 4.0 245     78.1
71 - London South Bank 4.0 230 1.65 42.0 78.0
72 - Derby 3.9 267   44.0 77.4
73 - London Metropolitan 3.5 232 1.55 50.0 77.2
74 - Anglia Ruskin 3.8 236   52.0 77.2
75 - Leeds Trinity 3.8 236     76.9
76 - East London 4.0 206   42.0 75.0

  以上就是《完全大学指南》2014英国大学排名之市场营销专业排名的详细情况,希望对英国留学的学生有用,对于英国大学排名学生有任何疑问,可拨打电话400 811 8484转英国留学专家咨询,或在线咨询。更多《完全大学指南》英国大学排名请查看:


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