
当前位置:老首页 > 大学排名 > 《完全大学指南》英国大学排名




CUG Rank University Name Entry Standards Student Satisfaction Research Assessment Graduate Prospects Overall Score
2015 2014
1 1 Cambridge 549 - 2.65 78 100.0
2 4 Bath 408 4.02 3.10 68 90.9
3 2 Durham 419 4.06 2.65 70 90.3
4 6 Exeter 408 4.40 2.70 56 89.2
5 7 Surrey 389 4.07 2.75 64 88.8
6 3 Warwick 425 4.07 2.70 58 88.7
7 11 York 379 4.14 2.85 60 88.5
8 13 Bristol 438 4.05 2.40 60 88.3
9 5 Lancaster 396 3.99 2.80 60 88.2
10 10 Leeds 380 3.98 2.95 58 87.8
11 21 Kent 362 4.07 2.95 58 87.7
12 18 Southampton 381 4.02 2.83 58 87.6
13 12 Glasgow 411 4.10 2.25 62 87.6
14 14 Manchester 389 4.19 2.85 50 87.3
15 15 Newcastle 352 4.05 2.50 66 87.1
16 16 Keele 415 4.00 2.75 50 87.0
17 22 Aberdeen 417 3.79 2.60 58 86.9
18 8 London School of Economics 434 3.96 2.40 54 86.8
19 19 Birmingham 380 3.68 1.95 78 86.6
20 27 Loughborough 364 4.27 2.40 54 86.1
21 24 Sheffield 351 4.16 2.80 50 85.9
22 20 Edinburgh 438 3.93 2.75 40 85.7
23 9 Sussex 378 4.17 2.55 48 85.6
24 26 Essex 362 4.10 2.85 46 85.5
25 17 Nottingham 359 3.81 2.50 56 84.7
26 28 Stirling 388 4.14 2.60 40 84.6
27 29 Goldsmiths, University of London 323 4.23 2.85 44 84.5
28 25 Cardiff 360 3.90 2.70 46 84.1
29 30 Portsmouth 315 4.17 2.40 52 83.9
30 31 Aston 325 4.29 1.85 58 83.8
31 23 Leicester 369 4.15 2.10 48 83.7
32 36 Huddersfield 245 4.61 1.70 66 83.7
33 63 East Anglia 446 4.15 - 48 83.7
34 41 Birkbeck - 4.14 2.10 - 83.1
35 33 Oxford Brookes 363 4.24 2.01 44 82.9
36 32 City 362 3.94 2.30 42 82.3
37 35 Brunel 307 3.99 2.45 46 82.1
38 39 Robert Gordon 352 3.94 1.40 60 82.0
39 40 Queen's, Belfast 348 3.80 2.60 40 82.0
40 42 Northumbria 348 4.17 2.20 38 81.9
41 34 Liverpool 384 3.99 1.95 38 81.4
42 60 Edinburgh Napier 358 3.84 1.55 54 81.3
43 49 Hull 296 4.01 2.35 44 81.2
44 54 Salford 279 4.16 2.45 40 80.9
45 52 Coventry 278 4.12 - 62 80.9
46 51 Chester 289 4.19 - 58 80.9
47 55 West of England, Bristol 340 3.93 1.65 50 80.8
48 48 Lincoln 320 4.18 - 52 80.8
49 44 Glasgow Caledonian 383 3.78 2.15 36 80.7
50 45 Bangor 283 3.84 2.20 50 80.6
51 50 Royal Holloway 346 4.01 - 48 80.1
52 61 Manchester Metropolitan 317 4.04 2.15 36 79.9
53 57 Brighton 290 4.02 2.21 40 79.9
54 38 Strathclyde - 3.97 1.95 42 79.8
55 74 West of Scotland 284 4.05 - 54 79.5
56 - Highlands & Islands - 3.87 - 54 79.5
57 46 Ulster 281 4.25 2.65 24 79.4
58 78 Abertay 318 4.06 - 46 79.2
59 47 Birmingham City 298 3.98 2.15 36 79.1
60 58 Bournemouth 300 4.18 - - 78.6
61 71 Nottingham Trent 292 4.06 - 46 78.5
62 - Queen Margaret 299 4.15 - - 78.4
63 80 University Campus Suffolk 333 4.06 - 38 78.3
64 67 Greenwich 299 3.99 1.85 36 78.2
65 37 Plymouth 272 3.77 2.15 40 78.2
66 68 Leeds Metropolitan 241 4.24 - 48 78.1
67 56 Bath Spa 291 4.19 - 40 78.0
68 65 Roehampton 264 4.00 2.05 36 77.9
69 62 Teesside 273 4.07 1.95 34 77.8
70 43 Worcester 284 3.95 - 46 77.8
71 82 East London 251 4.00 2.20 34 77.6
72 66 Westminster 278 4.08 - 42 77.4
73 69 Sheffield Hallam 295 4.03 - 40 77.4
74 87 Bradford 278 4.15 - 40 77.4
75 64 Kingston 267 3.83 1.70 44 77.4
76 75 Central Lancashire 308 3.94 - 40 77.4
77 79 Anglia Ruskin 243 4.05 - 48 77.3
78 88 Sunderland 276 4.10 1.45 40 77.3
79 59 Edge Hill 293 4.29 - 32 77.1
80 53 Bedfordshire 208 4.13 2.50 28 76.9
81 92 De Montfort 273 4.04 - - 76.8
82 77 St Mary's 263 4.07 - - 76.6
83 70 Staffordshire 229 3.99 1.85 38 76.4
84 85 Derby 277 3.99 - 38 76.4
85 72 Liverpool John Moores 286 4.00 - 34 76.0
86 76 Canterbury Christ Church 248 4.35 - 32 76.0
87 - South Wales 276 3.87 - - 76.0
88 91 Middlesex 296 3.82 - 36 75.9
89 89 Southampton Solent - 3.93 - 36 75.9
90 86 Buckinghamshire New 234 3.99 - 42 75.8
91 73 Gloucestershire 278 3.95 - 32 75.3
92 83 Northampton 262 4.06 - 30 74.9
93 90 London Metropolitan 233 3.80 - 40 74.6
94 84 London South Bank 215 3.95 - 36 74.1




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