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CUG Rank University Name Entry Standards Student Satisfaction Research Assessment Graduate Prospects Overall Score
2015 2014
1 7 Cambridge 549   2.50 78 100.0
2 1 Oxford 582 4.15 2.85 80 99.6
3 2 London School of Economics 545 3.98 2.80 84 98.0
4 6 St Andrews 542 4.23 2.35 86 97.8
5 3 University College London 550 3.83 2.75 84 97.1
6 8 Durham 517 4.06 2.40 86 96.3
7 5 Warwick 503 4.02 2.65 82 95.9
8 9 Bath 463 4.32 2.40 78 94.4
9 11 Exeter 461 4.21 2.60 76 94.2
10 4 Sheffield 448 4.02 3.15 70 93.8
11 12 York 451 4.26 2.30 78 93.2
12 10 Bristol 458 4.13 2.20 80 92.6
13 19 Birmingham 410 4.11 2.35 80 91.6
14 16 Cardiff 392 4.04 2.40 80 90.9
15 15 Newcastle 411 4.15 2.30 76 90.9
16 13 Nottingham 422 4.12 2.50 70 90.7
17 26 SOAS 484 3.87 2.65 64 90.4
18 21 Essex 349 4.24 3.15 62 90.4
19 24 Glasgow 486 4.06 2.30 64 90.1
20 25 Queen Mary 415 4.03 2.35 74 90.0
21 14 King's College London 478 3.87 2.30 68 89.5
22 22 Edinburgh 485 3.81 2.45 64 89.2
23 20 Manchester 418 3.89 2.50 68 88.6
24 33 East Anglia 417 4.24 2.10 66 88.5
25 28 Lancaster 422 4.18 1.90 70 88.2
26 17 Surrey 384 4.42 2.10 64 88.2
27 31 Loughborough 369 4.18 2.25 68 87.8
28 35 Kent 360 4.17 2.10 72 87.5
29 32 Aberdeen 441 3.88 2.05 68 87.2
30 18 Royal Holloway 359 4.14 2.10 70 86.9
31 29 Aberystwyth 327 3.94 2.95 62 86.9
32 30 Brunel 351 4.55 2.05 60 86.8
33 36 Robert Gordon   4.26 1.95   86.7
34 27 Leeds 428 3.96 1.80 70 86.6
35 41 City 370 4.21 2.30 58 86.0
36 23 Sussex 393 4.11 2.65 48 85.6
37 43 Keele 366 4.14 2.15 60 85.2
38 44 Plymouth 280 4.07 2.55 66 85.2
39 54 Leicester 384 4.23 1.80 62 85.2
40 39 Swansea 347 3.86 2.05 72 85.0
41 48 Reading 347 4.09 2.15 62 84.7
42 45 Southampton 402 3.88 2.05 62 84.7
43 40 Queen's, Belfast 380 3.96 2.40 54 84.4
44 49 Dundee 354 4.15 2.10 58 84.3
45 56 Liverpool 413 4.07 1.80 58 84.2
46 42 Strathclyde 463 4.00 2.00 48 84.1
47 47 Aston 335 4.11 1.85 64 83.6
48 38 Hull 346 4.18 2.15 54 83.5
49 57 Bradford 269 4.04 2.40 64 83.5
50 53 Oxford Brookes 337 4.12 1.95 60 83.3
51 46 Portsmouth 292 4.13 2.40 56 83.1
52 50 Staffordshire   4.01 1.85   82.7
53 60 Huddersfield 325 4.46 1.05 64 81.7
54 51 Goldsmiths, University of London 292 3.98 2.10 58 81.2
55 59 Stirling 384 4.03 1.75 50 81.1
56 52 Northumbria 347 3.80 2.20 52 81.0
57 55 Lincoln 302 4.40 1.70 52 81.0
58 58 West of England, Bristol 310 4.28 1.55 56 80.7
59 34 Birkbeck 246 3.86 2.35   80.1
60 62 Westminster 280 4.17 1.80 54 79.8
61 67 Sunderland   4.12 1.35   79.4
62 61 Coventry 258 4.05 1.60 62 79.1
63 69 Manchester Metropolitan 322 3.99 1.80 44 77.9
64 65 Ulster 289 4.03 2.15 40 77.8
65 74 Buckingham 323 4.21     77.6
66 71 Nottingham Trent 279 4.24   60 77.5
67 66 London Metropolitan 199 4.08 1.65 60 77.3
68 63 De Montfort 268 4.13 1.85 44 77.2
69 68 Greenwich 277 3.88 1.25 62 77.1
70 64 Kingston 276 3.88 1.70 52 77.0
71 37 Brighton 289 3.78 2.85 26 76.5
72 - Bournemouth 293 4.18     76.0
73 70 Salford 323 3.81 2.00 36 76.0
74 73 Canterbury Christ Church 239 4.08   58 74.9
75 77 Leeds Metropolitan 237 4.14   56 74.7
76 72 Winchester 307 4.15   44 74.4
77 76 Chester 261 4.09     74.0
78 75 Sheffield Hallam 296 4.10   40 72.9
79 81 Middlesex 239 4.03     72.6
80 80 Worcester 279 3.78     72.2
81 78 East London 245 3.87     71.5
82 79 Northampton 222 3.98     71.5
83 82 Central Lancashire   4.05 1.20 30 70.2
84 83 West of Scotland   4.07   34 70.0
85 - London South Bank 178 3.93     69.2




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